A Fantastic Year

Thanks for the memories and the outstanding service opportunities as we shared the message to Create Hope in the World!

It was an amazing and fantastic year. The honor of serving as your District Governor provided unparalleled opportunities. The experience was awesome and allowed Katie and I to travel around the District, visit new areas, meet so many outstanding Rotarians and make so many new friends. I am looking forward to being able to continue to serve the membership of the District in any capacity and stand ready to respond to any calls or questions.  Please continue to Create Hope in the World as you Share the Magic of Rotary!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Bourbon Bobble

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  • Diane M Nelson

    Thanks, DG Jim.

  • PDG Gerry Kosanovic

    DG Jim, n every occasion, in every meeting, whether one-on-one or with a group, you were upbeat, encouraging, and energetically advancing the mission of Rotary. Thank you for serving as a leader of District 5110.

  • Kim Meyers

    Thank you for your leadership. It was an honor and a pleasure working with you as your treasurer.


  • Judy Basker

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  • Thank you for modeling service, Jim. Well done!

  • Jane Ann Falls

    Thank YOU PDG for leading and encouraging us to creat hope every single day.

  • Gerald Burns

    Thank you for leading District 5110 as District Governor for 2023-24. You did a great job that will be long remembered, Jim.

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