Amazon Nutritional Forest, and They Taste so Good

We have something to celebrate this holiday season. Meet Mike McColm the project manager and your private tour guide.
Dan Smith

Dan Smith

A passion for podcasting to tell the world about the great things Rotary is doing.
This is a stand in downtown Tena, along the river, they sell iced fruit treats. These are some of the 110 plus trees that we will be planting.

[Reposted from November 2022]

We have something to celebrate this holiday season. The Amazon Nutritional Forest project is about to begin. Supported by the Rotary clubs of Medford, Medford Rogue, Ashland, Florence and Grant Pass this is a major first step for Rotary as one of the first environmental projects. Chuck Root will keep us all up to date, but we thought you might like to get a feel for some of the nutrition that is in these Amazon Super Foods.

Frutilla (chilean strawberry) – Protects against LPS-Induced Liver Injury by Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Capability. (1)

Guanabana – Studies show that guanabana extract kills or prevents the growth of cancerous cells in patients who have breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and many other types of cancer. (2)

Maracuya (Passion fruit) – rich in vitamins A and C and potassium. The fruits provide antioxidant and digestive benefits and calming properties. (3)

Chonta (Peach Palm) – strengthens vision, rich content of Vitamin A and provides more than 1490% of daily recommended allowance. (4)

Camu Camu – flavonoid antioxidants, including anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Camu camu berries have more powerful antioxidant effects than vitamin C alone. (5)

Jackfruit – higher in some vitamins and minerals than apples, apricots, bananas, and avocados. One of the few fruits that’s high in B vitamins. (6)

Wouldn’t you love to try some of these? The tastes are extraordinary. One tastes like juicy fruit. Jackfruit is between sweet and savory and often used as a meat substitute. Camu camu berries are tart in flavor.

Moriche palm fruit is edible and used to make juice, jam, ice cream, a fermented “wine”, desserts and snacks. (7)

Your invitation from Mike McColm, the project manager and your private tour guide.

If you really want the whole experience you should visit the Ecuadorian Amazon during the main harvest season (October to February) stay in the Kitchwa village, make chocolate and learn about their culture. An experience you will remember for the rest of your life.

Or, if you can’t make the trip we can try to bring some samples back for you. Just let us know.

For more information on the upcoming Rotary trip and for deep discounts visit
Project Ecuador – The Amazon Nutritional Forest

3 Responses

  1. It sounds like a wonderful trip but it’s not in my future. A Sampler sounds wonderful! Sign me up please. 💕🤗

  2. What an amazing Rotary project. I’m guessing it springs from a Global Grant? Whom should I contact to learn more? I would just love to have a speaker at my club’s regular meeting. Good work, Rotarians!

    1. Joe, yes this is from a Global Grant, one of the first focused on the new environmental areas of focus. Chuck Root is the lead but I would be glad to make a presentation to your club. Feel free to contact me Have a great holiday.

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