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Photo of snow-covered Sisters mountains in Sisters, OR
district in pictures

The Sisters in Sisters, OR

Photo by Tyler Price

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Greater Bend

  • Polio Update – September 13, 2024
    Gaza Polio Vaccinations
    Summary One new case in Pakistan and relatively large numbers of environmental samples. Polio has spread to Gaza due to a lack of vaccinations and poor sanitation during the conflict. Rotary and its partners negotiated a temporary ceasefire during which over 550,000 children were vaccinated. Read more at NPR here.... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-13
  • COIC Juvenile Justice Peace Garden
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    A few pictures from our very productive work afternoon/evening at the COIC Juvenile Justice Peace Garden. We finished constructing and siting the shed (a Chinese torture puzzle and cleaned it up for the winter. Best of all the Rotary Club of Greater Bend sign is on the pergola the club... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-12
  • Rotary Lunch Program: Bridging Divides – Bill Howe
    Bill Howe Headshot
      On Tuesday, September 17, our lunch program will be a presentation about political polarization entitled “Bridging Divides”, from attorney Bill Howe. Developed for civic-minded and involved organizations and groups, Bridging Divides is a short presentation that first considers the current state of political polarization and how it creates policy... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-11
  • Rotary Lunch Program: Senate Candidates Debate
    On Tuesday, September 10, our lunch program will be a debate between State Senate Candidates Michael Summers and Anthony Broadman. Please submit your questions ahead of time to Neil Bryant at   For three generations, the Summers family has been a trusted part of our community. You may know... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-04

Coos Bay North Bend

  • Airport Heights Park Update
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    The Coos Bay-North Bend Rotary held the second of three community meetings with its consultant in Airport Heights Park on Thursday, September 5th from 6 to 8 pm. The meeting was well attended with over 20 Rotarians, North Bend and Coos Bay officials, and a significant number of community members.... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-06
  • Rotary Seeks Public Input on Park Master Plan Options
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    The Coos Bay-North Bend Rotary Club will host a second community meeting in September by hosting a “picnic in the park” to show park revitalization concepts for the first time since signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coos County Airport District. The meeting seeking additional input for the final... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-23
  • Community Open House Event
    Published on 2024-08-15
  • Playground Improvements Continue at Airport Heights Park
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    If you’ve been to the Airport Heights Park recently, you may have noticed some of the playground equipment has received a fresh coat of paint. Airport maintenance crews and volunteer organizations have been working on improvements to the park that is located inside the boundary of the Coos County Airport District.... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-15

Greater Corvallis

  • District 5110 Rotary Youth Exchange will resume exchange in July 2022
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    2022-2023 LONG TERM YOUTH EXCHANGE After a 2-year Covid suspension, Our Rotary District’s Youth exchange is back for the 2022-2023 school year. Right now I need your help in getting the word out to potential exchange students. We need to have their applications and have them interviewed by February 28th.... Read more
    Published on 2022-02-11
  • Our Rotary Mural Project
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    One of the goals for Helen Higgins year as Club President was to increase community awareness and knowledge of who Rotary is and what we do. The plan was developed to create a beautiful mural that will help spread the word of Rotary. We wanted to tell the story that... Read more
    Published on 2021-06-29
  • Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis Partners with the Benton Community Foundation
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    The Rotary Club of Greater Corvallis has committed $15,000 to the Benton Community Foundation’s 2021 grants process toward bettering our communities with a focus on local children and youth. The check presentation is being held during the Club’s virtual meeting at noon on Friday, April 16. The 100-member Greater Corvallis... Read more
    Published on 2021-04-13
  • Rotary Bunnies – Spreading Rotary Magic Throughout Our Community!
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    Here are some fun facts about our April 3rd Spring Shenanigans: We sent 5 Rotary Bunnies out into our community to spread some Rotary Magic – 3 members in inflatable costumes (Bronwyn Evans, Anthony Thompson, and Kathleen Hutchinson) and 2 members in fuzzy costumes (Steve Vondra and Rylee Henderer). 8... Read more
    Published on 2021-04-06


  • Rural Health Team – Uganda: Project Update
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    Our Club’s International Service committee, in collaboration with the Airport Rotary Club and other Rotarians are continuing our support of the Rural Health Team (RHT) in the Tororo District of Uganda.  The RHT consists of a team of health care providers (about equivalent to our Physician Assistants) who are now... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-25
  • Rotary Club of Eugene Sponsors Model United Nations Project
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    The Rotary Club of Eugene (Club) and Model United Nations (MUN): An opportunity to blend two Rotary priorities of local and international service by engaging high school students toward understanding geopolitical issues and Peace through Service. In the Spring of 2017 three Club members visited a MUN program hosted by... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-16
  • Rotary Club of Eugene Covid Response
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    Covid Mass Vaccination Clinic Volunteer Effort   In February 2021 the Rotary Club of Eugene (Club) negotiated an agreement with the Lane County Department of Health and Human Services to recruit and vet volunteers for the mass vaccination clinics that were being planned to fight the spread of COVID within... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-15
  • Eugene Rotary Scholarship Foundation – 2024 Update
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    Eugene Rotary Scholarship Foundation The Eugene Rotary Scholarship Foundation (ERSF) was incorporated on June 13, 1956. Each member of the Rotary Club of Eugene is a voting member of the ERSF corporation. The Bylaws of the Eugene Rotary Scholarship Foundation state that the annual meeting of the Foundation shall be... Read more
    Published on 2024-08-14

Eugene Southtowne

Gold Beach

  • Board Elections 2022-23
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    At the meeting on February 16, 2022 the club unanimously elected its new slate of board members for 2022-23 President: Jerry HerbageTreasurer: Becky AthertonSecretary: Jeremy Skinner. At large: Bryan Grummon, Mary Stansell, Denise King, Gerry Gerke, and Morgan Grove.... Read more
    Published on 2022-02-21
  • Board Minutes 1/17/22
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    Financial Report:  According to Bryan, the total funds are $56,562.62 which includes the CD, $2100 in reserve and the checking account. The Board voted unanimously to move the Redisky, Van Leer and raffle funds into the general fund. District Grants: We have a $2000 grant which was supposed to be... Read more
    Published on 2022-02-15
  • Board Minutes 9/20/21
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    There has been discussion about meeting schedules due to lack of attendance. It was decided that weekly is still preferable. Starting in October we will meet indoors. Bryan agreed to look into prospective venues with The Landing North preferable. The board voted unanimously to award a $500 Action Grant to... Read more
    Published on 2021-12-20
  • Board Minutes 5/26/21
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    Old Business Because it is difficult for Hazel Rush to attend meetings, the board decided to consider adding someone else. Nominees are Tara Simonson, Jordan White, Mitch Kuljis and Leonard Phillips. Denise will email membership regarding 2021-2022 dues which are $175. Community service projects: $4,000 district grant to be used... Read more
    Published on 2021-12-20


  • ROTARY – Reminder for Next Week’s Rotary Meeting – Special Presentation on Empowering Maya Children
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    Dear Rotarian, I’ve missed seeing all of you this week! I hope everyone’s had a wonderful break, and I’m excited to catch up at our next Rotary meeting on Tuesday, September 10th, at NOON at the Rogue Valley Country Club. We have a special presentation lined up titled “Empowering Maya... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-06
  • August 2024 Rotarian of the Month, Joey Brady!
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    A huge congratulations to Joey Brady for being named Rotarian of the Month for August! Joey’s dedication, energy, and continuous commitment to Rotary have made a lasting impact on our club and our community. From volunteering at every opportunity to bringing fresh ideas, Joey truly embodies the spirit of “Service... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-05
  • A Heartfelt Thank You from Tyler & Tobey
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    Rotary Club of Medford, I want to share a deeply moving story that showcases the incredible impact you’ve made. We recently had the opportunity to support an amazing kid, Tyler, as he began his school year with confidence. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to help Tyler get new... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-05
  • Message from DG Nelson Maler – Rotary District 5110
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    This Rotary leadership video highlights the focus for the year on training, learning opportunities, and member recognition. It emphasizes the importance of expanding membership to increase the organization’s capacity for impactful work. The DG Nelson Maler underscores the need to engage current members while attracting new ones to participate in... Read more
    Published on 2024-09-05


  • Donate for the auction
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    Please contact David Robinson at Paul B. Osterlund Law PC 541-336-2257 Misty Lambrecht Email... Read more
    Published on 2021-05-21
  • Small Business Training Scholarships
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    Toledo Rotary gave scholarships to two students this year in the Small Business Management Program held at the Oregon Coast Community College this class is designed for established businesses to enhance their business skills, increase their business financial knowledge, marketing, employee management and help their business to grow. To Learn... Read more
    Published on 2020-07-30
  • Dave Robinson
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    Statement: I am in Rotary because public conversations about truth and ethics matter. Attorney — Of Counsel in the office of Paul B. Osterlund Law, serving the Portland metropolitan area, Toledo and Central Oregon Coast                        Practice areas include estate planning for taxable and nontaxable estates, business law, including entity formation,... Read more
    Published on 2020-07-30
  • Patty Graves
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    Rotary Treasurer.  I have been a member of Rotary going on three years now.  I became a member of Rotary because I wanted to be part of a group of people who can help make a difference in our small community.  What I have gained is friendships with a fun... Read more
    Published on 2020-07-30