RLI Bandon Graduates!

The ability to network and meet with other clubs and learn from them is one of the advantages of being an RLI Grad!

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On a bright Sunday afternoon, the RLI faculty celebrated 22 new “RLI Graduates” into District 5110 in beautiful Bandon! RLI is the District’s primary learning opportunity and is available to all Rotarians and Rotaractors. Session topics covered: Rotary basics; The Rotary Foundation and grants; Rotary public image and brand; membership; leadership;  teamwork and more. “Every Rotarian should attend RLI to maximize their club’s impact,” commented one of the recent grads. Another grad shared this,” I truly enjoyed the Institute. It was very informative, motivating with great faculty and speakers.” Bandon faculty included District Governor, Nelson Maler; District Governor-elect Chris Waugh; Past District Governors, Aimee Walsh and Gerry Kosanovic, PELS Learning Facilitator, Kellie Hill and RLI Chair, Gary Plano.

The local club, Bandon-By-The-Sea, and its members were amazing hosts and welcomed the Institute participants by hosting a fellowship event prior to the Saturday dinner and volunteers showed up each morning to help with Institute logistics.  Special thanks to President Sheila and her husband Larry for also ‘catering’ the event, too!   The next RLI is planned in early October in beautiful Bend, so stay tuned for more information! Bandon grads

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