RLI Bandon March 22-23, 2025 FINAL CALL

Develop your Rotary knowledge and learn about leadership and how to motivate and support volunteers at this Institute.

Registrations will close in the coming weeks– on March 15th. The final RLI for this Rotary year will be held in beautiful Bandon-By-The-Sea on March 22-23, 2025 at their community center known as The Barn. Attending RLI is especially useful for Rotarians and Rotaractors who plan to serve in some leadership capacity in their club or within the District. The Institute will not only give a broad overview of the major programs of Rotary International (RI) but there are also seminars on developing your leadership– especially important when leading volunteers.


RLI Bandon is $200 and is inclusive of two (2) lunches, a dinner event and a continental breakfast on Sunday. The Institute begins at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 22 and ends not later than 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. The Saturday dinner is part of the RLI program and everyone is expected to attend. Sunday morning’s session begins at 8:30. You must sign into DACdb and register. Payment can be made by credit card or you can pay by check. Many clubs offer financial support for those wishing to attend, so please be sure to check with your club leadership.  The cancellation policy is listed during the registration process.


For those requiring an overnight stay, three (3) hotels have provided a special Rotary rate.

Lighthouse Cove Inn offers a single ($109.38/ night inclusive of taxes) or a double room ($119.38 inclusive of taxes). Please call front desk and ask for the ROTARY code: 541.347.9022

Best Western Inn at Face Rock offers a double queen or single king room for $166.50 per night inclusive of taxes. Please call the front desk and ask for the ROTARY rate code: 541.347.9441.

The Bandon Inn offers a single king for $214.89 per night inclusive of taxes or a double queen $224.94 inclusive of taxes. Please the front desk and ask for the ROTARY rate code: 541.347.4417.

You can find the link to the event by logging into DACdb and going to the District Calendar for March 22 and find the registration link. Questions about the event can be addressed to Gary@garyplano.com

Gary Plano

RLI Chair

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