Rotary International Convention is in Calgary next June

Join 20,000+ Rotarians from all over the world!

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Connect In Calgary

Embark on an exhilarating journey of connection and inspiration at the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary! Engage in riveting discussions, learn from distinguished speakers, and explore enlightening breakout sessions against the backdrop of Calgary’s picturesque beauty nestled amid the Canadian Rockies.

Fueled by friendship and a spirit of collaboration, exchange best practices, ignite innovative projects, and form lifelong connections with fellow changemakers from around the world.

Take part in this transformative, one-of-a-kind event and experience the Magic All Around at the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Canada 21-25 June 2025.

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  • Robert Foster

    So folks will be wearing cowboy hats, Stampede-style? When I attended an RI Convention long ago, there was a breakfast, I think, for attendees from Western US, is that still happening? And a get-together for those from the District I was in, anything like that planned for Calgary?

    • Christine Waugh

      Hi Robert, Chris Waugh here again….
      I understand there is a Big West Breakfast sometime during the RI Convention. And we’ll probably try to have a get-together for our District 5110 folks up there too. I’ll be in touch about that when the time nears. I’ll look forward to seeing you in Calgary – I’ll be the one in the borrowed cowboy hat!

    • Christine Waugh

      Cowboy hats? Yes! I need to find one. 🙂 Robert, I’m not sure about the breakfast or District get-together. Let me see what I can find out and repost.

  • Jim Polk

    We will be there to experience another convention!

    • Christine Waugh

      Great, I look forward to seeing you and Katie there. Do you have any spare pin-head sized cowboy hats that I can borrow?

  • PDG Gerry Kosanovic

    DGE Christine – An RI Convention in the same hemisphere allows us to experience extraordinary fellowship with like-minded humanitarians. It’s a short flight or a healthy 15-hour drive from Oregon for this great opportunity. My wife and I are registered to attend and look forward to the Magic of Calgary!

    • Christine Waugh

      Yay! It’s going to be a great Convention! Look forward to trying to find you, Gerry!

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