Rotary Water Safety Lessons – Saving Lives

To contribute funds to the Rotary Water-Safety project, please send a check to Rotary, P. O. Box 357, Brookings, Oregon, 97415, and specify funds for the water safety project. Every donation, however small, will help children abandon their fears of the water.


Since 2009, the Rotary Club of Brookings-Harbor has sponsored and taught a water-safety course to third-grade students the last week of the school year.  The Rotary Club, the volunteer teaching team and the South Coast Aquatics Group, look forward to these lessons every year.  They know it is good for the community and great for the students who will learn life-saving techniques that have saved local students’ lives.

Susan Lunsford, Rotary Project Chair, worked with a volunteer crew of 21 (Rotarians and friends-of-Rotarians) with every detail and day planned out to help the 92 third-graders learn and enjoy the water-safety lessons.

Volunteers arrived Monday morning to prepare for the five days of classes, making certain the water was warm and ready for the chilly morning.  The first class of students were given an introduction to pool rules and water-safety.  Students were then tested and grouped according to their water skill.  Some students were uncomfortable in the water in the start, but by the end of the first session, and with the help of the volunteers, many were blowing bubbles and floating face-up in the water.

On the second day students splashed and squealed in excitement as they practiced bobbing and floating on their backs.  This progressed to kicking, then making strokes across wider stretches of water, and for many, jumping into the pool. Lunsford commented, “We have students who were terrified of the water on their first day, and they are already floating on their back – unassisted!  That is huge!”

Day three highlighted safety lessons; students were taught to use a variety of common items to rescue a potential drowning victim.  They learned water jugs, towels, pool noodles and coolers can all be used to save a struggling swimmer.  Day four included everything from learning river and water safety rules to individual and group lifesaving techniques.  Also, they learned life-jacket safety tips – how to safely get in, out and around in the jackets.

Friday was Fun Day, and students floated on their backs, played and jumped from pool sides and diving board-with life jackets on, instructors and volunteers always nearby.  “Being a member of the Rotary Club of Brookings-Harbor gives us many opportunities to positively impact our community – and this is definitely one of those experiences,” stated Lunsford. “Seeing the students bloom and become comfortable in the water is a joy to see.  By the end of class, over 50% have passed their deep-water test – (the pool safety test which allows students with water skills to go in the deep end of the pool and go off the diving board.”

The timing of this training is perfect as students head out for summer fun at the river, beach, lakes, and boating. Rotary friends and members, community volunteers, pool staff, and school staff have all contributed to another successful program.  The Rotary Club of Brookings-Harbor would like to thank the Friends of Rotary, South Coast Aquatics Group, and the Brookings Harbor School District for their assistance in supporting this life-saving program.

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  • Jane Falls

    what a great project! Thank you Brookings-Harbor Rotarians and friends!

  • Charlie Kocher

    My favorite Rotary project! It’s a perfect collaboration that teaches so much more than water safety.

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