Springfield Twin Rivers Presents Charlie Cole Fellowship Awards

The Twin Rivers Rotary Foundation awarded 5 members with Charlie Cole Fellow designations on June 7, 2024. A long standing Twin Rivers member, Past President, and Past District Governor, Charlie Cole is fondly remembered throughout District 5110.


The Twin Rivers Rotary Foundation awarded 5 members with Charlie Cole Fellow
designations on June 7, 2024. A long standing Twin Rivers member, Past President,
and Past District Governor, Charlie Cole is fondly remembered throughout District 5110.
The Charlie Cole Fellows Award was recently established by the Twin Rivers
Foundation to honor his legacy and continue the club’s commitment to the community.
The club’s Foundation was started in 1998 and serves as the 501 (c)(3) component for
Twin Rivers Rotary. Club members, community individuals or businesses that make a
minimum annual contribution of $500 to the Foundation qualify as Charlie Cole Fellows.
Dr Michael Bagaason, Nikki Willis, H. Eric Watkins, Steve Wilkinson, and Kay Hyde-
Patton (not pictured) were the first awardees. Contributions to the Twin Rivers
Foundation fund annual Christmas baskets to the underserved, provide student
scholarships, support community non-profits as well as Rotary District and International
projects, assists the Springfield Young Readers and many other local programs.

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