Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Photo of Mt. Bachelor in the Fall near Bend, Oregon
district in pictures

Mt. Bachelor, Bend, OR

Photo by McKayla Crump

Join Other Young Leaders For a Residential Leadership Camp

district program

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where high school students develop leadership skills while having fun and making connections.

More About Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

The Magic of Rotary is alive and well at Camp RYLA! Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a 5.5-day leadership camp held at Grove Camp in Dorena, Oregon. Participants are current sophomores and juniors who are recognized as being leaders in their schools or those students with leadership potential as identified by school counselors, coaches, and teachers. All applicants are then interviewed, selected, and sponsored by a District 5110 Rotary club. There is no cost to campers. It is an honor to be selected for a RYLA experience.

Students stay in rustic cabins and receive three hot meals and snacks daily. Bus transportation is provided to and from camp by First Student. Curriculum and challenge activities follow a rigorous schedule and are designed by educators at True North Consulting specifically for teenagers. Rotary values and “Service Above Self” are highlighted as is the Four Way Test. There is also time for daily rest and relaxation activities that include hiking, biking, rock climbing, swimming, crafting, archery, volleyball, and nine-square among others. There is a nightly talent show. RYLA is a physically, emotionally, and socially challenging experience that changes young people’s lives by helping them to:

  • Build communication and problem-solving skills
  • Discover strategies for becoming a dynamic leader in their school and community
  • Learn from community leaders, inspirational speakers, and peer mentors
  • Unlock their potential to turn motivation into action
  • Have fun and form lasting friendships

Camp RYLA has openings for 144 students from District 5110. The camp is well-staffed with four professional facilitators, 12 senior counselors, and 12 cabin counselors, many of whom were former RYLA campers. Many Rotarians help behind the scenes. There is onsite medical care provided by a physician who is a District 5110 Rotarian. We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our leadership team, curriculum, challenge activities, and campers.

We believe that RYLA is the best investment our district can make for the youth in our area.

Rotary is committed to fostering environments that are safe and positive for young people and free from discrimination and physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth

Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.

Rotary’s Youth Protection Guide
Rotary’s Youth Protection Page
Protecting Youth Program Participants (online course)
Preventing and Addressing Harassment (online course)

Image description: Albany Rotarian Sarah Steen smiles with high schooler Payton Shinn while they sign up potential RYLA student candidates
Image credit © Amber Shinn
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Logo - Blue R, Yellow Y, Green L, Red A